Sales and Marketing Plan Induction Training

Annual Membership Services Fee (AMSF)

All Members are charged an Annual Membership Services Fee (AMSF)*

The Fee is taken for Herbalife Nutrition computer processing and services like maintaining discount rates, lineage records and qualification status.

• It must be received from a specific Member and may not be paid by any other Member

• Members are notified via e-mail and notifications on MyHerbalife of the deadline for payment 60 days prior to their fees becoming due

• Members will have a 90-day grace period post anniversary date

• If the Fee has not been paid after grace period, the Membership will become expired, and Member will be placed in Deleted Status and all lineage will be moved to the next upline Sponsor. • Members deleted for non-renewal with more than one year of AMSF due will only be required to pay one year’s AMSF to become reinstated. By paying one year’s fee, all past due fees will be waived and brought current, giving them no less than one full year before their next AMSF is due.

• Members are reinstated at their current level and discount (i.e., Qualified Producers are reinstated at the QP level with a 42% discount).

• Should a requalified Supervisors fee remain unpaid 90 days after requalifying, the Supervisor is placed on hold (Can’t Buy & Do Not Pay). If after this initial 90 days they do not do this, they will be given an additional 90 days to do so. If After this period the fee remains unpaid their distributorship will be deleted and they will permanently lose their lineage, which rolls up to their current sponsor.

Non Supervisor

£ 7.47 (€10.98) ( SKU 9909) £ 53.89 (€79.30) ( SKU 0909)

AMSF info and Q&A HERE


*Note: The following countries do not have an Annual Distributorship Services Fee: Korea, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Turkey, and China.

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